T. Rowe Price Cryptocurrency
You cannot buy Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple, Stellar, Cardano, Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, BAT, NEO, or
any other cryptocurrencies on T. Rowe Price.
As an alternative, you can use a
$0 commission broker called Webull
that does offer cryptocurrencies investing.
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Can You Buy T. Rowe Price Funds on Charles Schwab Account?
Charles Schwab’s platform currently offers 124 mutual funds managed by T. Rowe Price, none of which have any transaction fees or carry any loads.
What makes these funds even more attractive is their relatively low expense ratios, which range from just 0.2% to 1.5%.
Perhaps the tradeoff for the low fee structure is the minimum investment requirements, which are a bit higher than average. The required investment
for most T. Rowe Price mutual funds is $2,500; however they also have a handful of funds with requirements of $25,000 or even $1,000,000.
T. Rowe Price’s mutual fund offerings through the Charles Schwab platform cover all the major asset classes, including equities, government and
corporate debt, and real estate. Their funds even offer coverage of some more niche investment areas, like municipal bonds issued in the state of
New Jersey, and funds focused on equities in frontier markets like Latin America or Africa.
Because T. Rowe Price has chosen to offer mutual funds in many of these less-popular markets their funds vary quite a bit in total net assets,
ranging from their Global Consumer Fund (PGLOX) with just $17million in assets to their Blue Chip Growth Fund (TRBCX) with $54billion.
T. Rowe Price’s mutual funds have fairly good ratings as well, with more than half being rated at least four stars by Morningstar.
Can I Buy T. Rowe Price Funds on Charles Schwab Recap
Both of these investment managers have a significant number of funds available for purchase through the Charles Schwab platform. In terms of fees
and investment strategies, T. Rowe Price appears to have the more competitive universe of funds. However, in terms of assets under management,
American Funds certainly has attracted more investor capital. This could suggest that despite the higher fees, more investors prefer to park their
hard-earned money with American Funds.